Labels:bulletin board | daily | monitor | sky OCR: This particular Steak 'n Shake franchise Is owned by Gary and Herb Leonard and IS the last franchise in this restaurant chain which still offers curb service The first Steak' 'n Shake drive-ins were almost entirely curb service with the majority of burgers delivered by carhops to patrons waiting in their cars The Steak Shake motto "In Sight It Must Be Right, is derived from their practice of grinding the meat for the hambur Irgers in front of the customers Before the USDA began inspecting meat this display was service to Steak 'n Shake customers to exhibit the quality 01 the meat used by these drive-ins. This photo of the Springfield Steak n Shake features fleet 01 Chevys including some of America's most popular cars of the 1950's hambi begar inspec ting